Sunday, 25 July 2010

Goodbye Education... Hello Fashion!

I am officially a graduate!
♥ Warwick Class of 2010 ♥
2.1 BA Honours in English and French.

Goodbye Joyce, Proust, Woolf, Cèsaire, Marlowe and Monsieur Shakespeare...
Hello Dior, Chanel, Chloé, Balmain, Vuitton, Valentino...

1 comment:

EmmaDee said...

i just stumbled across your blog, and saw this picture and remembered that Samir told me about your blog!
I'm from Warwick too (and obviously know Samir lol)
So you're working at Elle now? That's amazing congratulations!! Do you have any advice for anyone considering to apply to a fashion magazine?
really cute blog btw :) xoxo