La Voguette est SUPER contente... (et oui, un peu obsédé par la langue Française aujourd'hui - j'en ai parlé toute la journée - avec des autres... avec mes chiens... avec moi-même... si, la folie.)
For months now, I have been pining for this Comptoir des Cotonniers trench.
Sublime non?
We first met in a fashion cupboard, two seasons ago.
I should have been enjoying the freedom that is out of office hours, a.k.a Saturday morning, but instead, little miss Voguette was working like a fiend. My eyes/those buttons, it was an instant attraction - mutual - I knew we belonged together, but alas like all samples, the clock would strike 12 on Monday morning and the courrier would come to take it away, never to be seen again.
Sadly, that is what happened.
I searched every boutique, every website, I even tried the PR - No. Such. Luck.
It was gone, forever - a distant dream, a distant memory...
That is, until two weeks ago.
Something within me stirred my curiosity, I just had to know if it was out there. I began searching frantically on Ebay for my long lost trench and several descriptive combinations later, there it was - in all it's perfect khaki glory. Just an English Channel apart, nothing would stop me; I would fight to the bitter end, defying anyone who tried to out-bid me.
I won.
Et je l'adore.